Saturday, July 16, 2005


Curds and whey… Ah, take us back, to West Main. We are going to make sense of life, no matter what. Such a full, rich lather (unbelievable). Copy down those old poems (take a firm stance, against avoidance). I need you, who are you? The candle drips faster, sometimes. This goes way beyond tearing the heads off of dolls. What was that woman insinuating? The perpetual panic, didn’t improve matters. Look at someone else, not at me. Bleed easy, slow down the horses. There must have been two hundred, smiling rabbits. I haven’t seen a rainbow in twenty years, unless you count the kind that oil slicks cause. Go to the cheapest places, only. Downtown, yet again. The pets don’t speak or understand, English. We act all kinds of ways. They listen, without hearing you. But… but, nothing (maybe, butt fuck, that’s it). Please stop using your secret sign language, on me. The book seems forced and stilted, no particularly enlightening, or illuminating. The end, already happened. Pages have disappeared. Butter them down. Hello, I am not alive anymore, but still, I am communicating with you. I have absolutely no business, sitting in here, writing this book, neither will you, if you ever write one. I had a vision of Japan! The contents of my mouth, include my teeth. Today, there are none (huh?). You got another magazine? It comes on, all of the sudden. I adore you, and love you, despite what I said before, and will say later. All hope is lost, it’s hopeless, I’m helpless. Be leery of the rich, and successful. They speak of skills, what skills? We drive around, unable to believe what’s happened to us. We are drunken violins, sober. Yes, I blame you (no, I don’t). To our amazement, some kind of sidewalk sale was going on. Observe the coming’s and going’s of the waitstaff, from a distance. This is a fruitless struggle, my medium of choice. No one wants to read this, right now, these words are blanketed in the darkness of the closed pages. Nothing is left to be underlined, now. A calm demeanor, hides something. I wonder where she went, after my year in the hospital. The plastic snowman seemed to point at me, and say something. If it’s the last thing we do, it will be. Smell her shoes, often. There is so much bullshit to sift through. I did try to hurt myself, but that was so long ago. Why try to fake it? Some sort of dancing, the last ditch effort, beaten into some emotion, immediately denied. It’s called a pussy. They sold roasted nuts, out of some kind of machine. This may or may not be what we were worried about. Try some more denial, this is what psycho’s do, in their spare time. The time to flee, may now be here. We put a little illustrated book, together. The smell of bleach, no longer satisfies me. We showed a little bit too much enthusiasm. Most of our lives, are lived by other people. My (check it out) activities, in your garage, at this hour, needn’t concern you. We’ll fish wherever we so choose. I deserve the reviews I got. I’m a comin’ at cha’, with a knife, and a butter knife. The engine seized up, the chain, snapped. They are in the wallpaper. The catalog, will depress you. Envy, is the next, best thing. Her eye had been removed, don’t feed me anymore food. What will happen at the end? Being torn, and ambivalent, is not pleasant. Be the “end of the world nut.” There is no relief, and none forthcoming. Belch into the high and mighty stratosphere. Symbolic ally, even, it’s askance, quiet, barren, as kew, and sparse/stark. For some, intelligence becomes a curse, even a joke. Things were so terribly fucked up, back then, that I thought everything was fine. Wiped off the board, wiped right off the board. Go ahead, hurt your penis. There is no anything, anymore. It’s that projection thing, again. The fortune was fuzzy, very fuzzy. We don’t want to know the unknown, if it’s worse than this. Into the background, sullen and despondent. I stood in line for hours, bewildered. We’ll be going to Finland, next. Are you the fool in the bar, friend? I have decided to live your life. When in doubt, don’t (this is a shocker). My agent is “in a meeting,” again. Last night was last night, I have to shit, today. This is what has happened. Turn on, turn off, remember your death. You and the spoon, those difficult recollections. To be so posh, like an emeritus. In a rage, I said some things. Address the main man, imprudently. Doodle along the margins, abstract terms make a lot more sense. Throw yourself off the curb, fist fuck, prove your code blue desire. Ogle the obelisk, imagine yourself beneath it. We get quite paranoid, find out where it is, and punch a hole there! The wallpaper had the ability to communicate with me. So beautiful, so Scandanavian. Someday, soon, we’ll want to live. Toads the size of muffins are trying to get inside the house. Hopes, dashed; there is no “improving things.” Once we actually do, or (you’ll see me on the news, soon) say something… tremendous (you are the best, the greatest) guilt, etc. It’s total depression, now. Call it, “vagina envy.” To be, is to be something? Written on a wall, in some abandoned building: “punk rock.” That’s how you beat them (?). Being banned, won’t make me rich, or, “cool.” Don’t blame the porn industry. Now, there are actually, two. Rest up? We were losers, by design. Life can be quite troubling. The platypus can successfully swim, underwater. The low self esteem, is getting lower. We used to like people, that was then. He liked to get beaten, and then get his wounds licked. Inquire about the new smoked hams. The world is somewhat illusory. Don’t be a statistical anomally, it may be a punishable offense. In a room, so it seems. I invented that game, hard to believe, is it? I need someone to help me, I am having a very hard time. I can’t even lift this… desk. I sure get fucked a lot, for someone who never has sex. Life as a charlatan, is just not satifying. Save it, and store it, as a single file. It was just so amazing (back then). The stars are not in our favor (the words never come. I implied that my dreams were not my own. This is my thumb. All I want, is what I don’t think that I want. We all end up retarded, in one way or the other. It feels like so long ago (now). They wait to be inspired, it means, zilch.

It was blue roses and patchulli, for a few years. She was the smartest one I ever met (she knows). Every crazy thing that pops into your mind, is money (better). Oh, that fucking wood paneling! The sushi was served on a corpse, above a funeral parlor. Someone around here, smells like candles. There were plenty of sober days, admidst the drunken ones. Put down the candies. Look at this, it’s worse than ever! We feel what they tell us to feel. How could I have let this happen? Ain’t no sunshine underground. I thought at the time, that she was like me. Too radical for my own good, I sulked in the back room. Oh, Jesus, I still love her so much, that I don’t know what to do. Get different (diffident). Some kind of animal, saved by a chef. We know about strife, there are no more arguments. Put some shit in here about China. I can’t recall one word we ever said to one another (while “in love”). I used to have to kick people out, from time to time. We are still melancholy and maudlin, most of the time. Sometimes, we just reverse it. Russian boobs go from back to front. It is in your pants (what they want). Leave what’s in the closet, to the closet. Don’t be a fool, now… She used to like to bite. Dust made our kicks a little less pleasant. Blurt out some stardust, instead of gloom. Beware the cantankerous, the frayed, dispatched, it’s ending. What do you like best? It’s like the dunk tank! The droll, will drool, down the wrong side of the page. We want the truth, at once. Just keep going, there is not going to be any pause button bullshit. Of course, I should know better by now. You’re there, full of Chinese pleasure (butterfly’s). Nothing now, but, theater sounds. Defer everything! What’s the name of the game? I can see my nose with my eyes. The whip and rope appeared to be constructed with brown leather. He’d hoo-hoo-hoo, like a deranged owl. There is nothing up there in heaven, somebody had to break the news. I stood in front of the blue screen, shouting help, for hours. We have new background music, and special effects. You’ll hear nothing from, or about me, once it happens. Blank her in the blank, blank with the blank-blank. We had our ordinary holiday troubles. It was a sign, we’re that far away. It’s time for new ideas, with the old shit. Objective, or subjective (out, or in, the box). What was all gone, is back again. What I need is cocaine, but that’s out of the question. React as a screen would, for awareness. Find the part about the Cuyahoga, or else. The philosophy drop kick, sent me off stumbling, off to a bad start, as they say. Wouldn’t you like to steal a few things (deep purple envy)? They have much nicer carpeting, for one thing. Oh, that patent leather. This is the old shit, to be mixed up with the new. That’s what takes so long. Drink up/grow up! It’ll never end… You will have sex. Like panties on a clothesline (got to grab, and run). Think about winter. They’d just assume kill you, as look at you. I mutilated myself, for no damn reason. Hey, man (I need a pair of damn shoes). I used to be there all the time. If you don’t have friends, your lucky. It’s too damn late to be doing any of this shit, now. I’d do anything to see her, again. Take the happy contradiction, the scars will heal. I’m already pretty much done with it. I’m drifting aimlessly through my life. Wish each one of us luck, in finding the flowers in the dung. They’ll ban my books in Birmingham (either one). Be the missing link, between this and that. Enough stoicism, please. Oh, they’ll all have something to say. Underline this sentence. All this time, I’ve only been fooling myself. We have no place to live. These days, I do most of my writing at stoplights. Another aspect comes together. You are making sense of the senseless era, late. We were the famous. Go for the spandex, “V.” The worm takes to the heart, as if it were an apple. He told me to get, and stay away, from her. Atone’moi (astonish me). Don’t hold anything back, ever. The fat and bitter, try to hide. Leave it all in (there is nothing left to lose). Pray for life, humankind, in general (because it won’t be around too much longer). The smell of burning, is not the same as that of fire. Next time, try fresh fish! By twelve, your life is over. Have fun with arts and crafts. It’s not up to us, most all things. I can’t see the lines on the paper, anymore. You chew too much. All the shades are closed. Turn left onto Shiawasee. Let it drill directly into your head. High on paint thinner, I sang. Nevermind the screenplay, for now. A crooked dentist, gave them the drugs. The only people in this country speaking the truth, are it’s institutionalized maniacs! The asterisk bit me on the cheek, and stole my teeth! Now, my image adorns some kind of ancient woodcut. Clean the floor, Francis (was all I heard). Last time, is this time, again. Draw atomic stars, remember bodily things. She’s spoiled, tell her so. I can’t even hold the lighter. I lie about where I live, a lot. I ran out of money (as to the inconsistency). We used to have poker chips. I can’t even see. She was in high school (the girl with the glasses). What I thought was a lake, was a flood control project. What was that about a magnet? Cocktails and basketball, staring at the wall. What city was that? At that point, everything had to be admitted to. I just spilled pop over everything that matters (on purpose). Chris got famous before me, and he deserved to. Touch me, please (mentally). Expand on various sections. How do we know if our experiences are worthwhile? Take out the f-words, and we’ve got a deal? Don’t worry, this will all go away, soon enough. Oh, sweet darling, I adore you so. Nothing “popped.” We tried blood and violence, it made us crestfallen. The tree was older than the country, and they cut it down. Call it “almost semen.” There was blood on that window pane, for eight years. He was conceited, vitriolic, bibilous. My nervous ticks come close to describing me. Memorize the gone… I await the character assassination.