Saturday, July 16, 2005


Perhaps, there will be acts of derring/daring-do, but I doubt it. To tell you the truth, I want to lie to you. As if by chance, some event occurred. We don’t have to know, for sure. We didn’t know how to be, no one would help us. Watch the witches hands. Oh, shit (again). You took all of the cheese. Get shady! I forgot that asshole’s name. Are you still staring at tape cases? I have no idea who he is. It’s like the sounds of weakness. Even I can turn vicious on people. Play your damn accordion. I always forget, between wiping, and flushing the toilet. It’s a virtual flood. I still hear the noises that used to keep me awake. What was I about? What were you wound upon? It was a drive-in restaurant, on the lake, then, they built a wall. There must have been more vacant lots. Nobody had time to read, being books, themselves. I got it, and lost it, in there. I saw boobs, one night. Ah, the long drives to no place in particular. There isn’t going to be a magic word, or series thereof. Act on your knowledge, by writing it down. We don’t believe in ourselves. It’s all still here (there). Tourette’s is a condition. They threw eggs, randomly. He stared right at me, as I littered. Don’t start pausing, now. I lived the life, before I died, symbolically. So, is it gonna’ be cotton, or steel wool? It was something from the tapes. What to do with Gena, nothing seems to please her? I’m bad, like a fleabag motel. It won’t be there, that used to be something else. Gotta’ stay sharp (for the apocalypse). I never once checked how long it took, I didn’t care, it didn’t matter. You’ve got a gift (be careful what you say). It was like a nasty divorce (my adolescence). Why would I wait? It was supposed to be an ordinary day, it had other ideas. I’m not stealing, no way. Roy accidentally killed a kid. There is one good thing, you can go home and take a shit (for now). They turned anti-smoke, they are always smiling. What was my story (no plot line)? After this, it goes into the trash. Oh, I’m certifiable. The bluish light from her TV illuminated most of her backyard. When you can remember twenty years ago, easily, you are old. She uses subtle means, to hurt. Gigantic, steel structures, were placed in a wide variety of sordid, sexual positions. The discontentment has almost become a rapture. Providence now, we’ve already lived through the apocalypse. I was just about to say something inappropriate. Blame it on your D.N.A. Leash your animals, asphalt equates to action, shooting off guns, just, shooting off guns. I am afraid of what I am. Be like the man in the woods. It will occur (don’t count on it), use your arms. A last tango (in jail?). Blow up the moon. She was as cheap as a box lunch. So, become it, what are you waiting for? Kick the window open, find a source of inspiration, scratch yourselves (down there), push a couple of buttons (for $300.00). This is why we keep quiet, this is the view of the farm. It’s all a giant biscuit! Leave the meat out (flinch). Congratulations, you get to be like them. On nights like this one, it’s difficult to be thankful for anything. I put my cards on the table, and was laughed out of the room. My flash in the pan was found out to be fools gold, in 1992. See things, clearly. If you’re a poet, and you’re not in a band, you will not make it. Join our hymn singing/knitting group. I can go on, I just don’t want to. Soon, the bucket will be emptied, the bucket turned green, the basket was sprayed down. Where do I sign up (don’t do that)? Embarrassing thought parades, that went around and around in circles, never going/getting, anywhere. Get up on the farm equipment. Finish the thank you notes. Bye-bye, giant candy cane. Her pussy was so creamy. We’re all being watched. Cast the right image… just, smell it. It’s all over your hands (the mother of the penis, is in stitches). Let us moan, in shame. The little jig, has just been danced. Beware the very climate, itself! We’re “born for the uniform.” Try the opposite elixir. Like charismatic spacemen, we make some unavoidable mistakes. I done me wrong, you pushed me down. Shut up a Christian! I’ve done nothing of consequence, today (again). My leg is a different part of myself. We’d play in the hayfield for hours. Glue it all back together. Don’t put on those pajamas. We’re all television heads, barely able. Basically, I’m not good enough. She’s nineteen, and does it. We swear on the radio. So, you want another go at the wheel? The lard is jiggling. It won’t make any difference. Lay down a new floor, the radio spills out, like a knocked over beer, or a knocked up housewife. Do you know what the rush is? The hook pierced and punctured me, often. I helped lay down the pipe line. As a species, we deserve extinction. The rainbow trout will lose it’s colors, if you kill it. Try diesel, if nothing else works. Don’t dream. With a comb? Stare off into space, stop living. The tree’s are so bare, there was no grand prize, the statue had no head, too often, is too often. We walk, alone (clean above the refrigerator). Delay making your judgments concerning what is seen, and what is unseen. My boobs are on fire, we’re all out of cucumbers (someone threw it in the bush). They always (mocked me) thought I’d amount to something. Sometimes, you won’t be able to sleep, and you won’t be able to get up. They will soon stop asking you any questions. There was an organ in there. Revolt, at your own pace (don’t let them rush you). Scream upwards, nobody is going to help you/us. Say no, to the industrial revolution (next time). Pick the confounded sticker residue, off the windows. This feels like cheating, in a way, it is. Talent is always a lie, it’s a choice, a choice. I did my impression of an eel, I don’t deserve food, don’t flood the sink. Don’t flip pancakes with a flyswatter. If all got/went wrong, eventually. In the musk (it’s all so slow).

Most of it, was moaned. We worried about what was missing. I wish this book were stranger, weirder. Jail, but only if they tell. I just forgot who I was, and became another nobody. This is my only chance to ever do, or achieve, anything, and it probably won’t happen. Ask about the new aluminum. I’m more Puerto Rican than you are. The bum shared his philosophies, with all of us. By 2017, Ed had lost is savoir faire. They sent me off undressed, on the wrong hoof. That was the scene (bloody), nowadays, we drink. Fight the crackhead, start a cult-like commune. My diploma was used to wrap fish. The difference between fifteen and eighteen ounces, is three ounces, man. I’ve been generalized, I’m being marginalized. We painted on clown smiles, the loveseat became a hate seat. Randomly, we clip at the subtleties. Watch what I do at the line dance, carefully. Someone called me a bastard, and I fell off the curb with rage. Show some zest, you dullard. Understand, now. They knew what they had to know, early. This borrows heavily from other things, origins forgotten. Did you read that in some book? That must have been from that one time I rolled in tar. I’m too old to still be fooling around, like this. It all seems like yesterday (decades ago). This is what will happen to you if you don’t pay attention in school. Either the mirror was playing tricks on me, or I was playing tricks on the mirror. A perverse streak, is at work. When the shit hits the fan, we’ll see what “rights,” you have. I will continue to tell you what to do. The pool hall was, “no place fore me.” Mother of pearl, well, no. That’s that (huh?)! You are going to go over there, aren’t you? The opinionated will be proved wrong. All day long, we faxed forms. The crisis just got worse, and worse (and worse). Don’t throw that cinder block down there. The goalie was rattled. I tried, but I couldn’t do it. The letters have been written, this is what I shouted. Take skepticism, superficiality, and isolation, way too far. Who stole the rubber knee high’s? I hid it in your garage, fixed it by hand, let it ring. Succumb to the temptation, revel in it. There ain’t no holy nothin’. Fun is something for other people. Get pissed, accent the perversity. Fame does not, cannot, and will not, last. Off we go to war, like vegetable head people. Big secrets, get kept. Gun down the fuckin’ corn! I’m the virgin whore, you’ll see what I mean. It was only a midrange collapse, all that shit that I went through. If there’s one thing in this world I do understand, it’s flagpole sitting. Call it, flashbulb delirium. We are going to worry you. I once urinated against your barn. Recover, all of you, before it’s too late. Impaled flamingo’s, lined the room. Even when I sleep, I’m awake. How do they do it (they don’t). Some kind of weakness, is overcoming me, from below. We fear, we know not, what. Wipe your damn fool, mouth. Look at the billboards, and shut the hell up, we are in search of pussy. There was no basement. My eyes are unable to stay open, what could this mean? The secret message, was not terribly bright. Milk the damn cow! Let’s get this straight, I am wrong. We choose to swear. They are made with machines. Grimace and wince/wink, sneeze, loudly. We were warned that there would be peculiar feelings. They shook the construction paper, wildly. The norm has become abnormal. I will not be undone by my own mind, it is my mind! We all have a go, on the old carousel. I refused to talk about the blood on my shoes. Too satisfied with too little? The girls seemed to enjoy the “sex torture” game. It’s just so octagonal. We aren’t what we were. We were forced to swallow our skills/pills. My face dissolved, before my eyes. We can’t seem to change, as much as we try. Colorblind peacocks, don’t act the same. After the rubbing, we wait. What was I (am I) thinking? The sins will come easily to you, practice the other. We get sick of the me’s (plural) inside of us. I can’t seem to live. Some asshole’s insist on dessert, every night. The entertainment, was watching the septic tank be emptied. Like a clam, I do very little. Where does all of this, come from? Flex your flabby substance! Cheer up the sullen, experience the absolute agony. Try the xylophone, keep secrets (impossible). We have very few Fall’s left. Forget (just, forget). All you do is golf! Win the stupid award, see if I care. I think it was in italics. I spit that cashew onto the porch. You are like Oregon. Bend around and around, like a flush. My echo, said, “shut up.” Just, be bored, no dance partners, not for us. Yeah, but that’s not my real head! Nowadays, three months, feels like lunch, it just elapses/evaporates. Some of us, will never be wanted. An entire universe of stars was visible in the moonlight, reflecting off of the snow. The lion walked up to the back door and said, “lemme’ in man, I’m tame.” I think I’m gonna start taking laxatives, again. Around here, it is always late at night. It’s just that, right now I’m so serene, I’m so serene right now… AND I’M NOT SERENE, AND I’M NOT SERENE!! Shit your pants off, go to the antique shop. None of us are going to make it. He interrupted us, yelling, “I am the green grocer” (what?)! Could you imagine a big, huge bitch like that, in jail? I forfeited my rights to walk home, that particular night. They’ll take it from you. I still feel guilty for a whole host of crimes, that I never committed. I am in it, of it, very separate. One more cost of living joke from a rich comedian, and the comedy club, will blow. What is a falling star, and when, if ever, will our sun, fall? That chalky, salt-like film, covers the windshield, like semen on a peep booth video screen. What dull and horrible times we seem to live in. We’re deadly, inconsequential.