Saturday, January 14, 2006


They are out to prove something, now. I can’t be funny, anymore. The nutrition expert, was worried. It was as tan, as a storage shed. Shit in a bun, would have more nutrients. Save the raccoon’s, from the sides of the roads. There are no pictures, either. You don’t have to do too many things wrong, to fail, these days. We want attention, secretly. Absurdity and surrealism, are cop-out positions. You don’t want to hear about my death and destruction, because it will/would, remind you, of yours. It was all so dandy, once upon a time. I never planned on becoming so religious. The right sounds, are not surrounding us. They don’t name streets after people like us, either. I squatted down, and took a shit, like an animal, in the church parking lot. We can loop it, later. The computer only deletes the best stuff, the stuff that I like, and it leaves me with the scraps. For lack of anything more stimulating, I became a creep. The best thing that could’ve happened to me, would have been to die young. It’s just stupid, despite my dreams of it’s being the opposite. You are one of those assholes! You won’t be doing much dating, after awhile. Take it out, on principle. People who go to church, will not like this book. It smelled like a combination of cranial fluid, and a moose. Even the people… well, I was passed by, left behind. One you start to do it, it doesn’t take so long, seem so impossible. As usual, there is an overwhelming amount of work (urine). If we’d have gone to grad school, we’d be done by now. Nobody can help us, and no one will. We should’ve known better, not that that does us too much good, now. With a sock on my penis, I went out to lunch. Keep being awake, wish for something else. I like it, but I know that nobody else will. Disturbing, disabling, revelations; assault me, continuously. It only seemed like it was all hard wood. She is not you, nobody is. I’ll miss her until the day I die, inconsolably. Where are all of the old vinyl albums? I am so upset, by all of these mistakes, and it seems like the more of them I find and fix, the more of them there are. Oh, velvet. Grieve in a more satisfying fashion (they take it all, away). Just like a balloonist (mmm-hmm). Throw up, on the red pants. People seem to know what to avoid, what not to do. Did you mark the right boxes? I don’t care much about that, we’ve just got to hurry. The pig, it lost it’s hams. Go on out there tonight, rattle your cage. I’m starting to see double, at least this is something. For possible cancers! Pearl shaped earrings, on the dresser. Miss your mark again, eh? I never, I’m, well, oh, forget it. I’m absolutely nuts, now. Nothing is free, get ready to pay. What the hell was she talking about? This is your real, and only, life. Dude, illustrate it, this way. Must snap out of this. Skin, with a top hat. In exile/bed? You must, read! She is just like you, only shorter. The hypnotizing voices, that the telemarketing girls, have… got me warmed up, fast (in the brain). Satisfaction (so short lived). We’re haunted by ghosts, of some kind. Outlast, out fox them. Fat and silly, either/or (help). Work ain’t no part of nothin’. Let most of your desires work themselves out on the dreamplane. We never really knew how rare it all was (back then). Daily chores, for pinheads. Goo-goo, hey-hey. Aha never works out how we plan it to. I’m a total psycho. Some kind of arrangement needs to be worked out. They probed me, too! Where it leads, is when it ends. Don’t go off on too many tangents, now. My head is wet. As our eyesight wanes, we attempt to write, faster. Feel like being sassy? My faculties have pretty much, up and left me. Filthy, a little, dirty. Supermarket cold cuts, not fresh. No time for the Jesuits, now. There is a two? It’s for their own amusement. Aren’t we all a little nerdy? Act on this urge/need, at once. You’ve got to fight it, when it comes. They said I smelled like smoke. The neighbors suspect nothing. Um, I hit. Use that for parts, too. The new highway opened. How can you be/eat that? We’ve got to be more driven. They keep raising the damn prices. Dispense the cold cream. You dance so crazy/drink too much. We’re glassy, and we’re certain. Stay cold, out of sight, in the shadows. The dress fit me. Lolita-like infatuations (censored)… Sneaky kids were always breaking all the rules. I exist as the author of this book (only). Don’t throw out the punk rock papers, or whatever. Oh, these strange fingers of mine, want to fiddle with you. I got yelled at, yet again. It doesn’t matter why you didn’t do it before. They say she probably got the fever, from sex. Wherefore can we hide? There was an envelope. All for naught, eh? I wouldn’t care to be the guy who I am. Tomorrow always seems to come. The template (don’t can me, daddy)… is missing. This is London weather. They think I’m a joke, they are right. Oh, I see things, catch myself, but I do see them. He is afraid, this is where we left off. Like a bullfighting arena! You are the tourniquet, I am inside. I decided not to spell, anymore. Sunlight through the church steeple/bell tower. Edit it down, ship it out. Take care of things, so that if you die, there will be no unnecessary problems. There is no “comfort.” The general public, will never accept this. Rum one, gin all, to the tent sale. Keep going, no matter what.
I screamed, as if into a pair of open legs. Slow and sure, don’t win no…race. Every publisher, only publishes for “Christian lifestyles? Huh? Systems, in the bushes! The book is the debutante/dilletante, ball. Add it to it. Call it “client’s priviledge.” Serendipity, some explosion! Start chanting again. Enough sweetbreads, stop it. I have no telelvision night. Type and style, unforgettable. She got a pussy willow stuck up her nose. At your age, all of this sneaking around? It takes all of my energy. It’ll take a number of hours. It tastes too much like veal, I’ll never be famous. In order to keep going, lots of movies. It’s too complicated of a template. Have a confab about it, in an old caf. They sit there at the windows, all day long. Life is not so easy. I’m an electron, which does me no good. Leg me, all up and into it. You’ve got to wear clothes around me. Please, not like usual. Oh, it’s all the same. I left a lot of food, up in the (Russian) cupboards. Her teeth had a gun metal, glean/gleam. Of course not (to that question). Ah, forever (ain’t no such thing). Be naughty, devilish (just a little, in a ticklish way). Meld it, melt it, do it. The single most significant thing, is death. I returned all the other books, for this. Girls who show it (hurray)! This book just plain, sucks. It might be time (it is). Get a clue, mix a drink, tell a tale. Return it to what it was. For a new shirt, you must be naked? Have a favorite! Who could ever possibly give a shit about any of this, but me? Put the milk in the milkbox. Call it a religious hang-up. All prayers fall on deaf ears. We wound up in the bus station (again). Go ahead, bite! Go get a clue (I wanna’ rock). I am so, so angry. There is something going on in your mind. Go out, and get a lot smarter. I found my cigarettes. It doesn’t itch. Neurons fire when they feel like it. Get the giggles (hush up now, just hush). It all gets twisted, turned around. For external use, only (believe it). Seeing a mantis/dragon… What’s going on, is that I’m ruined. My foot and the figs, wasted my breathing. Bores to look at, again (please). The frockcoat is worn thin/out. Call it a framework, and get one. Take a quick crap, sneak one. Dreams of smart people, who moved away. Cry out for help, make it work. Retired clowns, made it a better sentence. You’ve got to do things that you never thought you’d do. The chores are done, go into their room. It’s like being on the trampoline! My ruse was discovered. Graduate, and then leave, you assholes. You smell like an artist, defacto. This is where the short stuff, starts (around here). I wouldn’t say I’m almost done, not yet. I’m making less of a dent than I’d thought. The black and white, still stops by, from time to time. It was as if, framed (the shadows of the foliage, through the window). Because I hate my hair (that’s why). We made appearances, which were not well received. Spin (a) yarn. It’ll take at least, until forever. These people are high on something. Teeth, professor (this is a funeral). Oh, I wanted her (but, well, you know). You listen to that music. Tuck her in, let it happen (not a wink). This has got to work, that’s all there is to it. Be a nonreligious street preacher. Slice it into a nice fillet. I don’t like that kind of bitch. Ace of spades, ace of clubs, eight of spades, eight of clubs, jack of diamonds. Fear never did any of us, any damn good. Pens, filled with spit. We were on a swingset? Mullet cuts, too much beer, dissatisfaction, dog crap in the yard. We lost the game (7-15-95). Don’t stop thinking about it. Avoid insight, awareness. It’s up to me, to fix it. At no cost to you, peek-a-boo! Clean the kitchen. I wanted this to be in the old book. The sermon was about lost causes. Who am I, this week? What am I on, man, what are you on? Slam dance, read books, reach your destination. It’s just not cricket, what they did to her. I used to get, well, a little too drunk, sometimes. Next showing, Tuesday night. I don’t want any shit, with anybody, that’s the truth. No to the “OO.” I’ll never see her, again. You can find me on the porch. Fired! We saw each other, in each other. Orson Welles, was from Kenosha. It starts out, slow. Give ‘em the gladhand, grimace. I can’t escape you. The survey results are in. Hate is so sharp, she is just delightful. For farts and grins, we went out to the bus stop. Lunch breaks, tut-tut. Attribute it to the people that you canned, back then. Ding-dong (with sharp objects). They know all of your troubles (vampires, take note). So much time and money, lost in bookshops. I had a fake childhood. There is nothing special, or different, about anybody; some work harder, is all. A last line about the plastic globes/gloves. Females are a different species, entirely (leave them alone). In Rome, they must do it on the sidewalks. People had to say “whoa, there.” In Snafu City, communism is all the rage (like this seasons, fashions). You and I are like the lemmings. It was the pain caused by the fake glasses. Yuck(!), was taken out of the junior high school poetry competition. Go have your fun, then… In other words, looking at the vaginas of full grown women. Hypnotized, by all those wasted years. I can’t find any evidence of the supposed, Abe Lincoln haircut. I never gave “going down,” a second thought. That’s really tops (Tom’s stuff). No, you don’t quite understand, I will not tolerate, anymore rejection. We were the famous, it’ll happen to you (it is never going to happen). Thinking will get you pretty far down the old, dusty road to nowhere. I’ve never heard of such a fucking thing. It’s the i.v. drip, and cold cuts, from now on. He got into Buddhism. She used to just lay there, she was not into it (at all). Aspects of who I was, forgotten. I knew, but then, forgot. I’ll hit ‘ya (look out). The year(s) went by, so quickly. It tastes like skin. It leaks out, suddenly. Every facet, or aspect of the other, is like an individual water molecule, if you jump in the pool (statement against relationships). They lived in artsy worlds, to leave alone. Nobody stops by (no surprise). There are too many fuck’s in the book. His guts came out of his mouth, and ass… It seems the whole town, is for lease (why don’t they accept failure?). Crazy, doesn’t really go far enough. I couldn’t hit for shit in Kalamazoo (but I went back). It’s too late for mistakes, now. Later on, asbestos. After the lightbulb, I see the inner workings of a human cell (in deep neon). You just know what you have to do. Was it about love? You’d better have a persona, and play a role. I’ve been long since, tamed. As a reprise, the men will shovel coal. Oh, Lordy, I’m a horny. No, to technology. You think you gained perspective during your time off? Let’s cut an album, here. I’ll be your sidekick, we’ll just watch the trains. Cam ran away, we were known as the ignorant putz’s. Graph out a solution, in exasperation. You can see I’m really crying (faking it). They are all so pleased.